San Francisco Gutter Jugglers

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are inspecting the drains

San Francisco Gutter Jugglers meet every Sunday from 7pm to 10pm in the Theater Room of the Circus Center, 755 Frederick St, San Francisco. Cost is $4. We have loaner props available, and jugglers or all levels of skill are welcome.

Getting there:

There are two identical gyms on Frederick, and we are in the western one. Look for the 755 pointed on the gatepost. The N-Judah street cart line runs along Carl St. Get off by the UCSF parking garage at Arguello. If you are driving, parking can be difficult to find, though there are usually spaces along Kezar Drive. You can also pay to park at the UCSF garage.

For more information:

Andrew Conway,, 415 333 7576